June 2006—Singing to the Lord
Last Sunday worship began and as the singing started… well lets just say I was glad I was in the front row… bless their hearts, they cannot sing. At times they are so bad I am surprised that people stay inside instead of running out. It’s a wonder really… they cannot sing yet they love singing. 4 guitars strum—each to their own beat, one played by a man who is drinking again and is playing to the wall. Several copies of the songs have been passed out to those who can read—words but the music is not written. Each sing to their own melody yet I imagine that to our Lord this cacophony is like the song of angels—sung from the heart. This churches song has brought in many new voices in the recent months. The flats and sharps and rhythm changes don’t seem to bother—perhaps because this is the way life here is after all!
We sing like that too in my church in Mpls. What I wouldn't give for a guitar player (I'd even take a drunk one). Much love and thank you for the beautiful dress for Evy....Melissa
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