Absence of God
Two weeks ago I went with a delegation to a mountain town in Guatemala called Chichicastenango. It is supposed to be the best place to see a market in Guatemala. It is also a place known for Maximon-- another saint/ God that can curse or bless people upon asking. On the way up the steps of the Catholic church in the town there is an altar to make sacrifices on (incense/ candles), on the top of the steps two elders have incense and speak power words at the entrance. (It felt as if they were cursing us.) Inside the church are altars all along the floor where you can leave flowers, candles or liquor as offerings. The altar area and all once Christian art is covered in black soot and I had to search to find any representation of Christ or even a cross-- the altar did not have a cross. The church was hallow-- vacant. Even the delegation left saying that it was an evil place. I have felt this before in Guatemala but never in a "Christian church"... the guidebook says that the services are only marginally Catholic. If one needed proof that Syncretism (sp) can go too far, they just need to visit here. I left feeling dirty and accosted. While I know that I am Christ's child, I left that church and crossed myself, I prayed as we returned to Guatemala City and I clung to Christ ever so tightly.